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Learning Chinese through Stories

Sep 27, 2016

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Turtle got injured and his friend snail went to get him some medications. After a long wait for 2 hours, the turtle started to lose his patience and make complaint. And surprisingly, he found... 乌龟 受伤了,让蜗牛去买药。过了两个小时,蜗牛还没有回来。乌龟急了就骂它:“哼,这蜗牛,再不回来我可就死了!” 这时候 门外 传来了蜗牛的声音:“你再说我,我就不去帮你买药了!” 乌龟 wūguī Noun, turtle 受伤 shòushāng Verb, to get injured 药 yào Noun, medication 蜗牛 wōniú Noun, snail 急 jí Verb, to feel anxious 骂 mà Verb, to call names; to curse 时候 shíhou Noun, moment 这时候,at this moment 那时候,at that moment 什么时候?When? 门外 mén wài Noun phrase, the outside (of the room, house) 传 chuán Verb, (voice/sound/noise/news) comes/goes to somewhere; verb, to pass (a ball) 外面传来火车的声音。The noise of the train came from the outside. 把球传过来!Pass the ball here! 声音 shēngyīn Noun, voice;sound 声音大, loud 声音小,the sound is small