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Learning Chinese through Stories

Jan 11, 2017

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Nezha is a famous fictional figure in Chinese mythology stories. As a kid hero, he rewards the right and punishes the wrong. In this chapter, the story tells Nezha fighting with the evil power in the East Sea to help the local people earn back lives with peace and tranquility. 东海龙王父子称霸一方,经常兴风作浪,害得人们不敢下海捕鱼。哪吒决心治一治他们,为老百姓出一口气。   一天,小哪吒带上他的两件法宝——混天绫和乾坤圈,来到大海边。他跳进大海里,取下混天绫在水里一摆,便掀起滔天巨浪,连东海龙王的水晶宫也摇摆起来。龙王吓了一跳,连忙派巡海夜叉上去察看。   夜叉从水底钻出来,只见一个娃娃在洗澡,举起斧头便砍。小哪吒可机灵啦,身子一闪,躲过了这一斧头,随便取下乾坤圈,向夜叉扔去。可别小看这小小的乾坤圈,它比一座大山还重,一下就把夜叉给打死了。   龙王听说以后,气得嗷嗷直叫,就派他的儿子三太子带兵去捉拿哪吒。三太子跳出水面,气冲冲地对哪吒说:“你打死了我家夜叉,该当何罪?”说着,举枪便刺。哪吒一纵身,趁势抖出混天绫。那混天绫立刻喷出一团团火焰,把三太子紧紧裹住。三太子只好现出了原形。   从此,东海龙王再也不敢胡作非为了,人们又过上了太平日子。 ——选自苏教版语文课本三年级上册 Subscribe to our newsletter: Support us through Patreon: